Some Starbucks Locations Are Selling Coffee Popping Pearls and I Can’t Wait to Try Them in My Drink
Starbucks is adding an extra topping to caffeinated drinks and if you like boba, you’re going to love this!

Starbucks has decided to test coffee popping pearls that are similar to boba, for an extra boost in your already caffeinated beverage.

Currently the boba inspired bursting pearls are infused with shots of coffee and are only available in two types of drinks, the In the Dark cold brew or an Iced Chai latte, both iced.

Thanks to TikToker @kirbyssister for posting the finding on social media, the viral video reached a ton of ‘for you pages’ with many commenters quick to ask which Starbuck’s location had the popping pearls!

So if you’re lucky enough to live in sunny California, you can find the coffee popping pearls at the Starbuck’s location in Palm Desert on Monterey & 111.