Let’s Talk About Your Online Platform – Get a Gravatar

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This week at the Totally the Bomb headquarters (aka my couch), we’re talking online platform. The plan is, by Friday, you’ll all be savvy internet marketers kickin’ butt and taking names.

Okay, so maybe you’ll like be kickin’ booty and taking drink orders, but still… you should learn something.

Yesterday we picked out our avatars. That one rock star picture that you’re going to use in every possible way. Do you have yours chosen?

Yes? Good… now let’s put it to work for us.

Have you ever seen a comments section of a blog that looked like this?

You see the problem, right? All those people could have their super awesome avatars out by their name totally identifying them and branding them, but instead they are stuck with the generic default. Today, we’re going to solve this problem.

You’re getting a gravatar.

Oh, Gravatar, that sounds complicated, right?

Wrong. All a gravatar is, is a globally recognized avatar. They basically just do all the work of making sure your picture is uploaded to just about anywhere it isn’t, and it’s super easy. If you can sign up for facebook, you can sign up for a gravatar.

Now, go to the Gravatar Website and sign up. Upload your avatar when it asks for it, and you’re all set.

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  1. I just signed up with a Gravatar! Let’s see if it instantly works.

  2. These posts are awesome. Blogging and social networking can be overwhelming, even though our generation was raised around the internet. You’ve inspired me to consolidate all my avatars into one consistent image. Thanks!
    .-= Olleymae´s last blog ..ooohhh weee =-.

      1. @Jamie, It works, it works!!! Thank youuuu!! *hugs* I’m such a technophob at heart I would have never discovered that :~)