According to Science, The More Time You Spend With Grandma, The Longer She’ll Live
Aw, Grandma, this one’s for you!

Turns out that spending time with your grandparents can actually prolong their lives.

The University of California in San Francisco recently did a study, and it showed that loneliness might speed up the ageing process.

Or, to put it another way, spending time with the elderly — spending time just being with them, and showing interest in their lives — might help them live longer.

Sounds weird? Not really. None of us really likes to be alone. We all have a need to feel included and a need to feel like we belong, and this feeling never goes away as we get older.

I’m not talking about enjoying our alone time — we all need that, too. But, I’m talking about having your group of people, your tribe, that is there to keep that relationship with you.

The need we’ve had our entire lives — people who know us, value us, who bring us joy — that never goes away.
Barbara Moscowitz, senior geriatric social worker at Massachusetts General Hospital

Social isolation can negatively affect people both psychologically and mentally. Ask any stay-at-home mom with young children, and they will tell you this is 100% true.

We all need people to talk with, to interact with, to care about, and who will also care about us in return.

So, grab that phone. Call your mom, your grandma, or even your best friend. Keeping those relationships intact may be the way to prolong the quality of life for everyone involved.

Are you looking for some fun activities to do together? Check out these books that have so many ideas for crafts that you can share with a friend.