I Think It’s Time We Bring Back The Scrunchie

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I don’t ask for much,* but can we bring back the scrunchie?

Here’s the thing… my daughter has a LOT of hair, and that means I have to spend a lot of time putting it into pigtails, french braids, what-ever-the-hell-else-you-do-with-hair, etc. Which means I use all sorts of rubber bands. The problem with these rubber bands is that they’re black, and tiny. So, I lose them.

All the freaking. time.

Seriously, it’s like I never use the same one twice, and I feel like that’s such a waste.

So, I have the perfect solution. Let’s bring back the scrunchie. There’s only one problem, I would never in a million years wear a scrunchie, so I’m going to need you to do this for me. Everyone dig deep into the depths of your bathroom drawers and pull out your rockinest scrunchie.

Now, we’ve started a trend. We’re cool! And, totally unrelated, I can stop spending a small fortune on Goody Ouchless Rubberbands…

*Okay, that’s not entirely true, I ask for lots of things…

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  1. Love this post! Two links for you:

    First, Scrunchies.com, of course. Tons of scrunchies over there.

    Second, Hair Flair Boutique, they have a ton of Scunci Girl accessories and yes, even girls’ scrunchies.

  2. I’m with Lynette and Nicole – scrunchies never went out of style. The rest of the world just became unfashionable.

    I have long thick hair too, and I have to use scrunchies when I work out or jog because they’re the only thing that will hold all my hair.

  3. Thank you, Lynnette! I still wear scrunchies at times. Sometimes even out of the house. Was too scared to admit this before Lynnette posted though, lol

  4. We lose ours all the time too. And I even buy the colored ones. I do sometimes find them in random places.

  5. Hehe – I know! I lose those freaking things all the time!! I started putting them on the little ring that comes with them, but still. Crazytown.

  6. *whispers* Don’t tell anyone, but I wear a scrunchie in my hair to bed. (sexy, no?) (sexy, NO!) I have thick long hair, and if I don’t put it up I sleep and choke on hair all night. The black bands just don’t hold all the layers, and they’re not as gentle/kind to the hair.
    Husband doesn’t mind, because otherwise, he’d be sleeping and choking on my hair at night too.
    BUT, I swearz, I don’t wear them out of the house. Ever. I don’t even answer the pizza delivery door with one in my hair.
    Okay, enough purging of my embarrassing fashion don’ts for the day.

    Happy Monday,

    1. @Lola Sharp, hah! I just pictured your doorbell ringing, you pulling the scrunchie out of your hair, tousling, and opening the door!