People Are Making Watermelon Slings To Help Their Watermelons Grow and It’s Pure Genius
Fact, watermelons are heavy.

Therefore, in order to support the heavy weight from growing watermelons, people are creating watermelon slings for additional help.

When watermelons grow vertically on a trellis, it’s common for the giant fruit to break from the vine and splatter on the ground.

To prevent any type of damage to the watermelons you spent many months growing, gardeners are creating watermelon slings to support the heavy weight!

Believe it or not, many individuals are using pantyhose to create the sling for smaller watermelons and old t-shirts for the more mature fruit.

To support the big and small watermelons, wrap the pantyhose or t-shirt around the watermelon carefully; then, make a knot at the top, tie it to the trellis and you’re finished!

No need for a green thumb regarding this garden hack!