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Why Can’t I Make Awesome Jewelry?

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Okay, so I own piles and piles of beads. No really, I do. I can’t help it. I can’t stop buying them. They’re so freakin’ pretty. I love them. I even have string, and tools for making jewelry, I just can’t make it all look beautiful. Every time I try, it ends up looking like something I made at camp. (Side note: how cute are these beads from beads barn? DO WANT!)

The thing about beads is, they’re tiny, they don’t take up a lot of room, you can store like a bazillion of them all in one teeny little container, and you don’t have to dedicate an entire closet to the hobby of beading. (Do you know how many closets in my house are devoted to crafting hobbies? It’s kind of sad, really. Let’s just say that for Valentine’s day one year my husband built shelves in several of our extra closets, and it was pretty much the best present ever.)

I’ve even tried to just grab the instructions from Hobby Lobby or whatever and just copy what they do, but they I don’t feel like it’s my own original idea. I think this is why I am willing to spend so much on super cool local jewelry. I read in a magazine once that buying local jewelry is one of the best souvenirs, because then every time you wear the stuff, you get to think about the cool trip you took. The only problem is, every time I go to look, I can NEVER decide. Really, what I need is a better storage solution for my jewelry, if I had that, then I would probably be more likely to buy nicer stuff, because then I wouldn’t worry about it getting balled up in the bottom of a drawer somewhere. Maybe I should make that my next crafting project, eh?



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  1. Emeralds are not just forever, as they are soft fragile stones.
    The only stones which are long-lasting enough in that they won’t break chip or crack
    easily are Diamonds and Sapphires (Rubies as well rubies and Sapphires are similar).

  2. Start slow and do NOT rush it. Make the kinds of jewelry that you like and I bet others will like it too. Take chances and “try” different types of designs, they don’t come over night – think about what you are wanting to do or say with your jewelry. But most of all – HAVE FUN!!!!!!

  3. lol, i can’t do it either, we have beads that come with kits and still can’t do it. my daughter tries i’ve got to give her that though

  4. I wish I could make anything cool and useful. I love to buy unique jewelry too. I bought a couple of necklace display things from Etsy. Just distressed looking wood with cute drawer pulls or door knobs to hang necklaces. I just need to put them on my wall!