Here’s Why I Don’t Make New Years Resolutions Anymore
Although New Years is by far one of my absolute favorite holidays, the past few years I have passed up on the resolutions part.

I am all for a fresh start and there’s something about a new year starting that just makes it seem like anything is possible. But New Years Resolutions have become almost…toxic.

If you tell yourself that you’ll change on a specific day, start a specific routine or plan, chances are that you’re setting yourself up for failure.

Because unfortunately, the second you veer away from the goal, it’s far too easy to table it for next year. Better luck next time mentality.

So instead, I set goals for myself, and start them when I am ready to put my full focus on them. By not starting at the beginning of the year, if I slip up, it’s easier to get back on track, rather than blame it on the year and start over the next year.

I’ve decided to end the vicious cycle of never completing a New Years resolution and am starting to better myself day by day starting now.