Woohoo! Working on Teachable Method this afternoon…
So, for those of you that know me… you know that before I was a stay at home mom of awesomeness I was a kindergarten teacher. Well, I started a website a while back about teacher stuff, and I have recently gotten back into it. I have been hard at work on my handouts for this cool new writing curriculum I am building, and I am having a lot of fun with it! I recently started actually selling them, and they are doing really well. This is crazy for me, because… even though my husband does this sort of thing full time…. I never thought I could do it! But… it seems to be working out. The thing I love is that I am making the curriculum from scratch, so I know that it is something I really believe works! Anyway… I didn’t mean to spam my own blog… I was just sitting here thinking about my teachable method stuff and how happy it makes me! Now back to the regularly scheduled blogging 🙂