You Can Visit The Cincinnati Zoo From The Comfort Of Your Couch. Here’s How.
Pretty much everything is closed right now, people are stuck in their homes and boredom is kicking in quick! We are trying to track down fun things to do from home!
But, even though the Cincinnati zoo is closed to help prevent the spread of coronavirus, you can still visit Fiona the Hippo and many other zoo residents online!
Fiona is a 3 yr old hippo that lives at the Cincinnati Zoo. She became pretty famous the day she was born. She was a record-breaker, but not for being the biggest, but the smallest!
Fiona only weighed 29 lbs at birth which is crazy small for a hippo! They normally weigh between 55 and 120 pounds at birth. That is a huge difference! Fiona weighs 1,292 lbs now!
Let us help make your children’s hiatus from school fun and educational. Join us for a Home Safari Facebook Live each weekday at 3 pm (Eastern Time) where we will highlight one of our amazing animals and include an activity you can do from home.
Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden on Facebook
The full schedule isn’t out yet. But be sure to follow them on Facebook so that you can keep up with them!
The Home Safari Facebook Live will take place each weekday at 3pm EDT!
We are hoping to see Lenore the Red Panda, Fifi the Artic Fox, and of course the Manatees Pippin and Truffleshuffle! My kids are not little and I am definitely all grown up, but we will be tuning in!