You Can Now Get A 1.5 Pound Tub Of Hidden Valley Ranch Pepperoni Pizza Dip
Social media users continue to experiment combining Hidden Valley Ranch with other food items and not to mention, the brand itself continues to reinvent the wheel of creamy goodness.
With that being said, Hidden Valley Ranch wants to make sure you get more bang for your buck considering the company has just released a pounds worth of ranch flavored dipping sauce you can find in a excessively large tub.
Introducing Hidden Valley Ranch Pepperoni Pizza Dip!
The brand’s new bite consists of a creamy texture featuring cheese, pepperoni and of course, Hidden Valley’s signature Ranch seasoning.
Thanks to the microwavable safe container, you can now directly dip a pickle, pita chips, baby carrots or pretzels directly into the container which means double dipping will become inevitable.
It’s suggested to warm the dip before you take your first bite which makes since you usually eat pizza warm when it’s fresh out of the box.
The 1.5-pound container will surely make a dent in your fridge so keep in mind to make some room before purchasing the ranch flavored pizza dip which is exclusively available at Sam’s Club for almost $9.