7-Eleven Has Just Cancelled Free Slurpee Day This Year
I am truly so sad. I just found out that 7-Eleven’s annual Free Slurpee Day (on July 11) has been cancelled.

Now, I pretty much knew this was coming but it doesn’t change the fact this sucks.
My kids and I LOVED going to get our free slurpees. Our location was always on the ball and had everything go smoothly so we could be in and out with free slurpees in no time.

As of today, 7-Eleven has made the decision to cancel Free Slurpee Day this year citing the reason as the pandemic.
“At 7-Eleven, our top priority is the safety of customers, Franchisees and employees,” said 7-Eleven Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer Marissa Jarratt: “Gathering 9 million of our closest friends in stores on one day just didn’t feel right, but I am heartened that we now have the opportunity to help the communities and neighborhoods that have been the lifeline of our business since 1927.”

While Free Slurpee Day has been cancelled, 7-Eleven knows exactly what we want because we can all get a free medium slurpee!
All you need to do is download the free 7-eleven app and create an account.
On July 1st, 7-Eleven will be loading coupons into everyone’s accounts for a Free Medium Slurpee.
The coupon will be valid all month long (July) so you can score a free slurpee while social distancing and avoiding contracting anything. Amazing, right?
While this year is definitely not the same, it is enlightening to see companies offer a little something to make our lives seem even the slightest bit normal.
I cannot wait to get my free medium slurpee. What kind your favorite? Mine is the coke flavored slurpee! YUM!