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A Harry Potter Theme Park Is Coming and You Don’t Even Need A Hogwarts Acceptance Letter To Enter

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There is going to be a new Harry Potter Theme Park, and I’m going to need the words to a teleportation spell!

Courtesy of Itochu

Where Universal Studios is more of an immersive Harry Potter experience, this new park is going to be a behind the scenes look at all 8 Harry Potter movies.


Yes, there is already a permanent behind the scenes type exhibit in Britain, England, but the world can use TWO, AMIRITE?!?


I mean, it would be NICE if we could get one over here in the good ol’ USA, but alas, we are going to have to settle for The Wizarding World Of Harry Potter.

Warner Bros.

This NEW theme type exhibit park is going to be located in Tokyo, and it is going to cover about 323,000 feet (that is about the size of 3 football fields). So, there is going to be a LOT to look at.


They are saying that it is going to take a solid half a day to walk through the whole thing, and I’ll go ahead and plan for a full day of all things Harry Potter!


It is being constructed on the site of Toshimaen amusement park, set to close in late August, according to the US movie studio and Seibu Railways, which runs the Japanese park.


You have a bit of time to save up and plan your trip to Tokyo to visit this new theme park. It isn’t set to open until 2023, but you can totally count me there when it opens!


If you need to get your Harry Potter fix BEFORE 2023, you can rent out this Harry Potter themed Airbnb. You better take pictures!! I want to see them all.

Courtesy of Airbnb

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