Because I Don’t Really Do The Thrift Store…
When I was a kid, my mom was the ultimate bargain shopper.
We would pack up an ice chest, and head out for a day of garage sailing, thrift shopping, and finding deals.
And I hated it. Like, seriously.

But the days of waking up at 6am on your precious Saturday to make sure you make it to the Garage Sales before everything good is already gone are OVER.
Now, now we use eBay Deals. Because it’s like you can buy anything you want at the very best deal without ever changing out of your pajamas. And I love wearing my pajamas. And, I have to admit it… I also really love getting a good deal.
I guess the apple doesn’t fall as far from the tree as I thought. The cool thing is, eBay is so much more than it was a few years ago, they have these awesome eBay guides that help you (or me, or whoever is reading them, I guess) out with everything from traveling to doing your makeup. I love them so much I made one myself.
Since I am pretty much an expert on traveling at this point, I went ahead and made my very own eBay Guide for five things to make travel easy. And
I am totally loving all the other guides they have on their site.
There are SO many written by regular people like me who just happen to know a lot about a certain subject. (Kind of the way I know a lot about travel.)