Before You Laminate Your COVID-19 Vaccine Card, You Should Think Twice
The little white card you receive after getting your vaccination is becoming more trending as vaccine appointments open up across the U.S.

While it has yet to be confirmed on whether or not we may need to show proof of our vaccination(s) in the upcoming future, many individuals are holding on to the square notecard as a potential ticket of hopes to returning back to normalcy.

Big name brands such as Staples and Office Depot have offered to laminate vaccination cards for free but before you decide to run to either store, here are a few reasons on why should think twice before you do so.

Before you laminate your vaccine card, double check that all of the information is correct including your name, date of birth, and the date and location where you received the vaccine.

Have a backup of your vaccination card before you seal the card.

Dr. Leana Wen, an emergency physician and public health professor at George Washington University told CNN,
“Take a picture after getting the first shot, then after the second one too, in case you lose the physical card,” she said. “Keep the picture on your phone, and email yourself a copy to be safe.”
Dr. Leana Wen

There are also a few rising concerns of laminating vaccine cards because it may cause smudging, making the card illegible to read.

If your card becomes damaged whether you decide to laminate it or not, keep in mind that you can contact your vaccine provider to get another card issued as all providers should have every vaccination record on file.
You can also visit the CDC directory of state health department for immunization records if for some reason you cannot get ahold of your provider.

Lastly, it is also a concern that laminating your vaccine cards will cause trouble in the future if vaccine booster shots are needed.

However, Wen explained that if you do end up receiving a booster shot, your provider can issue another card if the other one has already been laminated.
All in all, hang on to the small white notecard and keep it in a safe place.