You Can Order A Huge Box of Black Spider Mums from Sam’s Club For The Person Who Has A Dark Soul
I don’t care that it’s still 978º outside. My dark little heart is already hanging out in the fall with Halloween front and center on my mind.
You HAVE to check out what we found at Sam’s Club. GAH! I love them!!
One of my FAVORITE flowers is the mum — and now you can get BLACK mums just in time for the Halloween season!
Resembling exploding fireworks, these flowers are perfect as the focal point or as part of an arrangement.
Sam’s Club
I can tell you where these wicked cool flowers are going to be the focal point. They are going to be in a pot on my front porch, right in front of this 6-foot-tall Pumpkin Man!
Now, do spider mums grow naturally with this glorious black color? No.
These mums are painted black, and they are perfect for EVERYTHING.
I mean, what dark soul doesn’t need these mums in their life?!?
Wouldn’t they be absolutely gorgeous as part of a Halloween themed wedding?!?
Each box contains 10 bunches, and within each bunch there are 10 stems
Sam’s Club
You can get a giant box of 100 Black Mums for $100.
I’m not a math genius, but that’s only $1 per flower. How perfect is that?!?
Head on over to the Sam’s Club website to get your Box of Painted Black Spider Mums.