You Can Now Get Everyone You Love A Chocolate Butthole For Valentine’s Day
This is both hilarious and disgusting! I mean, because why not?

Valentine’s Day is coming up and if you are not sure what to get the one you love, this just may be the perfect gag gift – literally!

Chocolate Buttholes exist and they are just as strange and disgusting as you’d think!
The official name of these chocolate buttholes are Edible Anus and they are made with pure milk chocolate.
Each Gift Box contains 6 anus shaped chocolates and get this – you can even buy kit to use to create your unique butthole as a cast.
No, I’m not kidding.

I will say this – this is probably the most unique gift you will ever get someone and who knows, maybe the gift recipient will be super into it? Ha!
So, what are you waiting for? This may just make the best or absolute worst gift ever for someone!

You can order the Chocolate Buttholes on Amazon or directly through the company’s website here.