You Can Get A Pillow That Looks Like A Corgi’s Butt And I Need It In My Life
I found the most adorable pillows EVER, and they are furry corgi butts. I’ll tell you all about them in a minute.

Is there anything cuter than a fluffy big corgi butt? No. There isn’t.

We have already showed you so many corgi things: These Corgi Mouse Pads with wrist rests, the greatness that is the Corgi Succulent Holders, And my personal favorite, these leggings that make your Tooshie Look Like A Corgi Butt.

See, I told you — There’s nothing cuter than a fuzzy corgi bootie. I mean, there is an entire Instagram account dedicated to the adorable backside that has the world collectively saying, “Awwwww!”
Etsy has these Corgi Butt Pillows, that look like there is a corgi digging into your bed. They are absolutely ADORBS. Gah!

These pillows are all handmade and sewn together with cuddly, plush fabric in Los Angeles, California. There is also a cute pocket in the back for your tablet, book, or remote control!

Each pillow is just about life size at 22 inches by 16 inches, and they are nice and fluffy soft, just like the real thing!

It is also machine washable, which is a good thing in my house! You just throw the entire pillow into the washer, and then into a gentle dryer.

You can go to the BootyFarm site on Etsy to get your OWN corgi bottom pillow.

Want to know a secret. They have more than corgis! They also have Pig Butts, Panda Booties, and Pug Behinds. Are there four members in your family? Boom, one for each!

Each pillow will run you 40 bucks, and they ship to your house for — my favorite word — FREE!!

Hope on over the the BootyFarm website to grab your own!