If you guys loved the crocheted cat couches , you’re going to love this as well! It’s from the same company and your cat will adore you for it!
Reddit | katie22914
It’s similar to the kitty couches, except this time, it’s in the shape of a mouse!
My boyfriend has a pet cat named Alex. I could totally see him using one of these pillows to sun bathe in, since I constantly see the guy moving from one place to another looking for a comfy spot to sleep in!
If you do in fact crochet, it’s recommended to use #4 worsted-weight yarn to complete your Snuggly Mouse Bed , which by the way, is an adorable name for this item!
You can get the exact pattern electronically for 6 bucks on their we b site .
Courtesy of Annie’s Craft Store
Your cat will definitely be intrigued with the mouse’s long tail and giant ears! Shoot, it might even try to play with the whiskers too!
It’s definitely worth taking a peek if you want your feline to feel extra special these days and plus, the mouse itself is super cute to look at it!
Nix the boring cat bed and refresh the room with this decorative and super comfy crocheted Mouse Bed !