The Tamagotchi Virtual Pet From the 90s Is Making A Comeback and I Cannot Contain My Excitement
I was in high school in the 1990s, and I’ll admit it, I had a Tamagotchi virtual pet — or three.

They were just too fun NOT to have a couple — even if just to try them out.
There is good news on the Tamagotchi virtual world front. The company is still making the Tamagotchi, but they are coming out with a NEW version — the Tamagotchi On Wonder Garden. It is an upgraded pet, for a NEW Tamagotchi generation.

And, if I’m being honest, I’m going to own one of these, too. Don’t judge. You know you want one, too!!

The toy is officially launching July 26th, and will be 60 bucks.
You can preorder next Thursday from Gamestop, Target, and Walmart. You can preorder it NOW on Amazon. It is POSSIBLE I already went on Amazon to order one. it is POSSIBLE that with tax, it will run you about $64.

This NEW Tamagotchi will be able to do things you only WISH your virtual pet in the 1990s would do! It will have better graphics, will be able to go outside it’s house — and get this — it will be able to hook up to a mobile app. FUN!!

Your Tamagotchi On Wonder Garden will also be in COLOR! Which was direly missing in the previous version.

Check THIS out: “The new one can go outside its house, celebrate your birthday with colorful balloons and a festive tune, and even travel to different lands. It can also get married and raise children, who will later grow into adults, and continue the family tree.”

YES, please! This sounds so much fun!! I am seriously going to My daughter will definitely need one!

Marry to build your family tree! When your Tamagotchi character gets married, your next generation character (your My Tama) will be born and will have features from both of their parents!

The Wonder Garden theme comes with an exclusive Land, 2 exclusive characters, different games and new home screen, room, accessories, items, meals and snacks!
Play the Library and Dressmaker games to win Gotchi points to buy food, items and accessories.
Connect to your friend’s Tamagotchi On device and go on playdates, give gifts, travel together and marry. Works with all themes including Fairy, Magic and Wonder Garden.
Connect to the Tamagotchi On App to see other unique Tamagotchi characters, get married, meet up with friends, play a game for Gotchi points and other gifts to bring back to your device.
With this NEW Tamagotchi version, you can kind of “pause” the game, by “dropping your pet off” at a virtual daycare. Haha! That’s something you could NEVER do with the original! You had to treat it like a baby, and be there 100% of the time for you virtual pet.

It is still like the original, in that, when it needs something — like food — it is going to let you know. The game beeps, even when the screen is not active. So, take that into consideration if you are in a board meeting at work. LOL!

I don’t know about you, but I can’t WAIT for July!! FINALLY, something GOOD is coming from 2020, AMIRITE?!? Ha!

Bring on the Tamagotchi!