Dog Training Tips That (Should) Work On Kids

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Kids and dogs are surprisingly similar. I noticed this the first time a few years ago when I told my dog to sit and my (then) two-year-old niece followed suit. It’s like my eyes opened wide and I realized I had a whole new host of tools for working with kids. Since then, life has been amazing. Who knew things like ‘sit’ ‘stay’ and ‘roll over’ worked so well on kids? Here are some Dog Training Tips That (Should) Work On Your Kids. Let me know how it goes in the comments below!

child and dog tea

Dog Training Tips That (Should) Work On Kids

If your child won’t stop peeing in the corner of their room, don’t rub their nose in it. That’ll just confuse them. Instead, lead them to where they’re supposed to be pottying and stay with them until they’ve gone. If that doesn’t work, you might need to put pee-pee pads in the places where your child most frequently goes until this phase has passed.

Begging at the table is a big no-no. One of the best ways to prevent this from happening is to make sure your child is eating at the same time you are. That way they’ll be more focused on their own food than yours.

Biting is a big issue with children. If your child bites, try giving them a toy to chew on instead. If that doesn’t work, spray them in the face with a water bottle. That should make them release.

If your child won’t stop running away from you while you’re going on walks, you might need to leash-train them. A leash will keep them safe until they make it through this phase.

Have a problem with children jumping up on the furniture? Tell them NO in a firm voice. Then, tell them GET DOWN. If you don’t use a firm voice, your children might think that you’re playing with them and they’ll continue that behavior.

There is a difference between a bribe and a reward. If your child is acting out, don’t give them a treat. Wait until they’re doing something good and praise them and give them a treat then. Make sure and tell them “Good boy, or good girl” too. That helps.

Children need to be exercised frequently to run off the excess energy they build up. Take them on walks a few times a day, especially if they’re acting too excitable. If they’re still too excitable, you may need to kennel train them.

Remember to keep them on a schedule. They do better when they know when to expect things. Unpredictability leads to accidents, and acting out. If your child Does have an accident, try to remember that it was an accident and don’t yell at them or make them go outside just because you’re upset.

dog with child

So just in case you missed it, this is really more tongue-in-cheek than anything. Just as kids don’t always respond to dog commands, neither should you expect your dogs to behave you in the same way your kids would. Pooches are a huge responsibility and if you’re thinking about adding one to your family, make sure you do your homework. Nothing is worse than feeling as if you’ve made a horrible mistake…especially when it involves a family pet who might just need you to approach things in a different way.

All the same, believe it or not, dogs and kids BOTH respond to clickers

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One Comment

  1. Oh yes, dogs and kids area really similar. Playful, witty, testing boundaries, getting in trouble – the list can go on! Not only that, but the discipline approach also plays an important factor how they “react” to it.