Dumb and Dumber…
so here I sit in the hotel room watching Dumb and Dumber while Hal and Keet sleep next to me! All in all, so far this has been a really good trip. It has definitely been a difficiult trip with the dealing with Hal and all that… but I just kinda had to get her back on her own schedule. My dad calls it ‘halle time.” And, ain’t that the DAMN truth…. She can be flexible, but when I am already making her be in a new place, sleeping in her pak-n-play instead of her crib, meeting a bunch of people she has never met before, and eating a bunchof fast food, I completely understand that she just needs a little structure back into her life. She finally warmed up to her great grandma… I was really happy about that…I always feel so bad when I take Hal somehwere and she gets all scared of the new people! She isn’t a HUGE fan of old people… she seems to warm up to younger people a little faster than old people… I am not sure why…. I think maybe wrinkles freak her out a little bit…. lol not that wrinkles are bad… I just think they bother Hal!
Tomorrow I sure do hope we get on that plane! I migh DIE if we don’t! That could be a BAD BAD deal if we are trapped here! I am not sure exactly what I will do… I think we will ALL end up in one hotel room and poor hal will probably NEVER go to sleep… oh that should be a load of fun I’m telling you! I am worried about tomorrow, because there won’t really be a time for her nap… I am thinking that she will sleep some in the car… but who knows… I just hope everything works out and we finish the day in our own beds all safe and sound! Keep your fingers crossed!
Oh cousin, you’re so interesting. I’M IN BCIS CLASS!!!! AAHHH!!! I gotta go before I get in trouble for being online. We’re grading “papers” lol xD
I will cross things & say a lil prayer! Good travel thoughts for sure!!!!!