These Floating Battleboards Allow Your Kids To Play Battleship In The Pool
My goodness, inflatable pool floats are getting more and more advanced! When I was little, we had pool noodles to swim with and don’t get me wrong, they were totally fun to play with!
Although I definitely wish I had this inflatable pool float when I was growing up.

The most fun you could have with a pool noodle, was pretending to ride it like a horse and spraying your friends with water from the end of the noodle.
I used to dip one side of the pool noodle underneath the water and then blow from the other side. If you want to blast your friends with water in the pool, there’s my secret!

Although this inflatable pool toy by Swimline, looks a lot more fun.
You can purchase a 2 pack of 4 battle boards total, with a squirter set on Amazon for 83 dollars.

Your kids can now play battleship in the backyard with 2 dual powdered squirt guns on either side of the float. There’s even a splash guard in the front for extra protection!
With a weight capacity of 175 pounds, you can choose between a green or blue battle board!
After your kids experience time with these inflatable pool floats, you may never have to beg your kids to play outside again!