Having so much fun!

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Okay, so as many of you know I have been running ScrapLove for a little over two years now, and for the first time ever, I feel like I have really put it out there… by making the open call for the design team challenge. I was really really scared to do this! I mean… what if there was a huge backlash? What if people saw my challenge and laughed in my face? What if the members of my site didn’t want new people?

But I was WRONG WRONG WRONG! It has been a really good thing for my website, and it has me so totally jazzed and pumped up about the Love!

Also, I am having so much fun working with my friend Monica… we are talking all the time about the DT stuff, and we are just having a great time with it all! I hope she doesn’t get sick of me before it is all over!

haha when did I get so paranoid? Am I channeling Tigger?

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  1. I think this was a super cool idea! Oh & I’m paranoid just participating – I can’t imagine what it’s like for you!

  2. You are so funny…I was pretty certain you’d get totally sick of me! And you still might because we’re not near done yet! lol Such incredible response to the contest…you did a good thing! 🙂

  3. I am so excited about the new faces at ScrapLove… and all the response to the DT stuff! It’s GREAT!

    And I don’t think you were the only one worried about it all! 🙂

  4. good luck with everything! sounds like there is nothing to be paranoid about 😉

  5. silly jamie being paranoid. 🙂 looks like things are going great so far!

  6. Good luck on your challenge! It sounds fun… 🙂