Hi, my name is Joe…

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Did you ever sing that song when you were a kid? Hi, my name is Joe, and I work in a button factory…. the other day my boss came up to me and said Hi Joe, are you busy? I said no, he said gooooood turn the button with your right hand… and then they go on and on and on to talk about turning all the different buttons… not until I was actually grown and teaching that one to kindergarteners did I realize that he didn’t work in a factory full of buttons like you have on your clothes… but buttons like you push and turn! haha I couldn’t for the life of me figure out why they made him turn all those buttons at that button factory!

Okay, that was kind of a tangent… let me explain myself a little better… today Hal and I went to the box factory to pick up boxes… and seeing all those boxes reminded me of Joe… so I decided the guy behind the counter should be named Joe… and in my mind I called him that for the remainder of the box adventure 🙂 Why? You ask…. Why was I at a box factory? Well, I was buying boxes for my new scrapbook store! I am getting very VERY excited here! I can’t wait to open it up! Hehe I have the boxes… now I just need the product! I have ordered from two companies and am getting ready to order from a couple more… most exciting!

I have the first month’s kit all planned out… I just need Lil Davis to approve me as a friggin vendor and then I will have everything for the first month’s kit ordered! heheh then I guess I need to start working on the next month’s kit, huh?

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