How To Choose The Right Face Mask For Your Child
My kids fall into two camps when it comes to wearing a face mask.

Just to be clear, we are Team Face Mask. We respect the people around us, and we know that wearing a face mask is actually to help the people around you not to get affected.

I’m not saying you are wrong or right for choosing your face mask options. You have to decide what you are comfortable with — unless you are in a place that REQUIRES face masks, of course. *Smile*

So, my daughter, who is 3 months from turning 13 (God, help me), is even more stringent about wearing her face mask than I am.

I’ll be honest, sometimes I completely forget to put on a mask — like when I’m going up to pick up Chipotle at their outdoor pickup location, or when I’m going to the outdoor ATM. My daughter is constantly grabbing me, and reminding me to put on a mask.

Then, there is my son. He just turned 9, and I thought we were going to have a HUGE fight with him wearing a mask. We have had to try a few different varieties, but he will wear one without a fight.

That being said, with it now officially being summer, and it being hotter than the seventh level of Hades, I’m not sure I’ll be able to get the boy to keep a mask on.

I’m sure if I had a THIRD kid, they would fall into the No Mask/No Way category. Ha!

That seems to be the way of it. There are 3 categories that kids appear to fall into: Super willing to wear a mask, Will to wear it when they have to, and Don’t get a face mask anywhere near them.

If your kid is in the first category, GREAT you will have almost no trouble finding masks for your kid. Just follow the CDC guidelines for wearing a mask, and you’re set.
If your child falls into one of the other two categories, let’s talk about choosing a mask. Maybe we can find some avenues that may ease the mask wearing tension.

So, kids might feel claustrophobic or like they can’t breathe with a mask on. Heck, most adults feel that way. Imagine how scary it would be for a child.

Don’t just throw a mask on the kid at the last moment, and expect them to be cool with wearing it.
Practice before hand.
Try several different thicknesses. We know that the thicker the mask is, the better. The CDC recommends multiple layers of fabric. BUT, any mask is better than no mask.

A cotton mask is going to be nice and breathable, yet still maintain its efficacy. However, you want to get the mask to a THICKNESS that is still going to be effective, but will not panic your child’s breathing.

If you have a really young child, you can show the little that wearing a mask is okay, by putting a mask on their favorite stuffed animal first. Show the child how the mask is going to fit, and how it will feel. THEN, try it on the kid.

Maybe you could have the child wear the mask around the house for a little while. BEFORE YOU JUMP ON ME — I know that masks are not required in your own home. I am talking about practicing wearing a mask with your child.
How does that cloth mask fit?

Make sure your cloth face covering:
CDC Mask Guidelines
– Fits snugly but comfortably against the side of the face
– Completely covers the nose and mouth
– Is secured with ties or ear loops
– Includes multiple layers of fabric
– Allows for breathing without restriction
– Can be laundered and machine dried without damage or change to shape
Should you use ear loops, or should you go with ties that go around the head?
That is really a personal preference. Each child might prefer something different.

My daughter likes ties that go around her head, my son prefers elastic earloops. As long as they WEAR the mask, I’m not going to sweat the small stuff.
As long as you are following CDC guidelines, you are golden: fits OVER the nose and mouth, and fits SNUGGLY (not cutting off circulation, and not so loose that it circulates tons of air through the mask, rendering it pretty ineffective).
The CDC recommends all children over the age of 2 wear a mask.
No matter their age, be sure you’re also talking to them about why they’re wearing the mask. Kids like to help. Empower them (in a developmentally appropriate way) to understand the role they’re playing in keeping themselves and others healthy.
Yahoo News
This is so incredibly important. I think this is the ONLY reason we didn’t have more trouble with my son wearing a mask. We explained what it was for, and why he was wearing the mask. He almost felt like he was choosing to wear the mask for his health and the health of others.
Good luck. Sometimes it just takes a little practice, trying several different mask styles, and empowering the child to understand WHY they are wearing the mask.
You got this. Your child does too.