Here’s The List of States You Are Required To Wear Face Masks In
There are some states in which you are REQUIRED to wear a face mask, so pay attention!

I had to go to Raleigh today — that’s about two hours from my house. I live in a tiny town, but Raleigh is HUGE. The difference in face mask compliance was like night and day!

In my little town, you feel ostracized and judged if you go into a business wearing a mask. You can go into a grocery store, and literally be the ONLY one wearing a face mask.

In Raleigh, it was just the opposite. We went into Trader Joe’s, and EVERYONE was wearing a mask, except my husband (he normally wears one, but he forgot it today). People were staring at him like he was there to purposely give everyone the plague!

For the record, I am Team Face Mask. I believe if you aren’t wearing one, you are part of the problem!

BUT, there are some states that REQUIRE everyone to wear masks when out in public. I am curious to see how their contagion rate compares to that of the other states in the nation!

According to the #MASKS4ALL website, there are 14 states that make face masks mandatory when out in public.
Check to see if YOUR state made this list of having face masks REQUIRED throughout the state:
- Delaware
- New Jersey
- Michigan
- Maryland
- Illinois
- Pennsylvania
- New York
- Hawaii
- Connecticut
- Rhode Island
- Virginia
- Massachusetts
- New Mexico
- Maine
- Puerto Rico (entire territory)
- District of Columbia (entire territory)
There are some states that are requiring only employees to wear masks throughout the state. They are:
- Alabama
- Vermont
- Colorado
- Indiana
- Nebraska
- Arkansas
- Louisiana
In California, they are requiring masks in the majority of the state. It is on a county-by-county basis, so check with your county.
Some states are only requiring partial use of Face Masks for EMPLOYEES only. They are as follows:
- Arizona
- Georgia
- Iowa
- Oregon

If you didn’t see your state listed, it either means you are not required to wear a mask, or your state only requires it in a few locations. Know the rules in your state, so you aren’t inadvertently breaking the law!