How To Make a Face Mask With a Clear Window Panel So Those With Hearing Loss Can Read Your Lips
Since everyone started wearing face masks, I have been struggling. If I can not see your mouth, I have no idea what you are saying to me. My anxiety and stress levels rise…

I also have several hard of hearing and deaf friends and family that are having the same issue. Mine isn’t because of my actual hearing but it is neurological and paired some weird effects of my damaged nervous system.
I have a hard time separating sounds from other sounds. Even if you raise your voice, if I can not see your mouth I have no idea what you are saying to me. It has been REALLY hard.
A lot of people read lips. It is how they manage to communicate with others. Thankfully, someone designed a face mask with a clear window so that people can see your lips.

Back in April, we told you about a college student named Ashley Lawrence. She designed the face mask with a clear panel that I am talking about.

The Adult Advocacy Centers in Ohio has a volunteer named Susan Roscigno. Susan created a pattern for volunteers to sew these masks for those in need.

It is a pattern and step-by-step instructions and is available to use for free. But they are not to be sold for profit! If you sew these masks they are to be given and donated only. This pattern is not to be used for mask sales.
If you would like to sew and donate masks to the organization that set this up, you can email and they will tell you how you can help.

The mask pattern can be found in this public Google Doc. If you have friends that have hearing issues, it would be awesome if you wore this type of mask while interacting with them.
Also, if you work in a service position, it would be good to have these available. I have a friend that was in tears the other day because no one would help communicate to her what she needed to know. Please remember we are not all the same. Let’s help one another.
I have deaf son would love this pattern. I too give away all masks i have made.
Hello, I have several teacher friends looking for clear masks to wear when going back to school. Id love the pattern to make for them, thanks
What material is used for the clear portion?
Hello, I would love to have your mask pattern! I work with infants and toddlers who need to see my facial expressions! The clear masks available on Etsy are very pricey.
Thank you!
Can I please have the pattern & instructions , I have had over 300 reg masks & donated each one . My daughter works with special ed students & has requested the window mask Please help.