No Idea How To Act

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I consider myself a pretty social person. That is to say, I’m not awkward in a group setting, and most of the time, I’m downright fun.

Until I get around big time authors.

Then I’m something of an idiot. The first time I met my now-good-friend Rosemary Clement-Moore I was such a moron. I didn’t know what to say, and I was worried I’d scared her off forever with my fangirlness. Fortunately, it turns out she’s just a big of a dork as me.

This weekend I went to a book signing for Holly Black and Sarah Rees Brennan. I haven’t read their books, but have heard good things. Since I wasn’t a crazy-freak fan or anything I was fairly sure I could talk to them without sounding like a complete moron. So that was a total win. I’d get to meet successful authors with super talent, but I didn’t actually know it yet.

Then I arrived at the bookstore….

Yeah, internet, you read that right. Ally Carter was standing at the table signing books. I knew she was in town, but specifically missed her signing because I knew I’d make a damn fool out of myself. This was huge Huge HUGE for me. She’s everything I want to be as a writer, and I was standing close enough to touch her! (I didn’t though–that would have been so awkward.)

So what did I do? I told her she was my literary hero. Like she wore a cape and fought crime at night or something. (Only instead of the Lasso of Truth she had a Bookmark.)


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  1. How exciting! And you didn’t make an idiot out of yourself – not even a little bit. Also? I’m pretty sure that Ally Carter does wear a cape and brandish a magic book mark.
    .-= Rhonda Cowsert´s last blog ..YA? Why? =-.

  2. Hi,

    I was at the book signing too! What a fun surprise, huh? I blogged about it too and posted photos.
    .-= Melina Corriveau´s last blog ..Arm Chair BEA – Tweens and Books =-.

  3. Oh yeah, I’m so awkward. I just want to tell my fav famous people that we should be best friends.

    But how to do that without sounding crazy???
    .-= Olleymae´s last blog ..Back to being a semi-professional writer =-.

  4. Ahh i wish I could say.. i’m technically not allowed to yet.. I contemplated whether or not to even tell the story because I cant say until a project is really solidified..

    But let’s say its someone on one of the largest radio shows on the planet.
    .-= lindsay´s last blog ..Photographing our work =-.

  5. You just made me spit my dr pepper out my nose. You are so funny. You’re not socially awkward until you stand in the back and nearly wet yourself with excitement…but still can’t walk up and say hi. You did fine, goof ball, I’m sure.
    .-= Chantal Kirkland´s last blog ..Spreading the Awesome =-.

    1. @Chantal Kirkland, haha that was how I felt for a while. Thank goodness I had the daughter with me!

  6. This is funny.. I just recently had a lunch meeting with a somewhat of a celebrity and i was thinking the SAME thing.. OMG OMG DO NOT MAKE A FOOL OF YOURSELF!!

    This is a person who basically lives their life infront of her fans and talks about her life all the time, so going through my head was.. How much do I let on to know about her?

    Do i act like I have never heard the show? or do I talk as if i have known her for years (because thats basically how you feel when you listen to a show like that)

    Anyways, I totally get how you feel! I made a little bit of a dork of myself at the end, but the begining and middle was ALL BUSINESS
    .-= lindsay´s last blog ..Photographing our work =-.

    1. @Aimee Bartis, I wish there was one site that had ALL AUTHOR SIGNINGS on it… that would solve a lot of my scheduling problems!