In Which I Drive a Camaro to Oklahoma for Pie

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One of the coolest things about being a writer is that you have to have crazy fun life experiences in the name of research. So, if someone from Chevrolet contacts you and asks if you’d like to drive their cars to Oklahoma and eat fried pies, you have no choice but to say yes.

So I headed out with a couple of other super fun girls and we crossed the state line for pastries.

We switched out driving each of the cars, but I drove this bad boy twice…

That’s the new Camaro. Dude, if I didn’t have to drive around a four year old I’d buy one for me and one for my husband.

It. Was. Awesome.

But… let’s not forget that there was totally a reason for the adventure! We had to eat fried pies, right? If you’ve never driven to Davis Oklahoma to eat fried pies, then may I suggest a road trip.

Right. Now.

We’re talking crazy awesomeness, we drove cars, I played with the OnStar people… you can ask them ANYTHING. It was way cool of General Motors to sponsor our trip, so THANKS GM!

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  1. Hehe, awesome! Though you failed to mention exactly WHAT you were asking the OnStar people 😉
    .-= ChristaCarol´s last blog .. =-.

  2. First of all, that’s way awesome. Second of all, I love the fried pies in Davis! I want to stop every time we go see my sister.
    .-= Carin´s last blog ..Projects =-.