Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-07-05

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  • RT~ Please thank Aaron for giving his life today in Afghanistan~ #thankyouaaron for his father @davidmmasters #
  • The new Janet evanovich isn’t available in ereader form. How am I gonna save the environment if I have to read paper copies? #
  • So I think I just got myself involved in something called the adventure project. Yelp. #
  • The daughter awwww #
  • I just had so much fun on the fourth! #
  • #moonfruit woot! #
  • Wow, I like this! #
  • When j sit down at the computer I check Twitter before I check email. #
  • look look! That’s MY book on that Ipod! thanks @CitizenX #
  • Secret- I love Weezer. #
  • I seriously have green hair in a poster at my local Best Buy! HAHA I wonder if anyone recognized me? #
  • I do love to read the #queryfail every once in a while #
  • RT @kathleenfoucart: I think #YAauthorfeud is one of the funniest things I’ve seen on Twitter yet. But seriously, people, I need a chart. #
  • RT @BBYFlowerMound @jamieharrington @brandenwilliams @phoch00 @captbrando @Sollitaire @ShivaeStudios @chrisindallas #
  • Do you think Sarah Palin quit because someone saw her #moonfruit? #
  • What is Sarah Palin even talking about in this resignation speech? That bird in the background made more sense. #
  • So, what’d Sarah Palin do that made her have to quit being a governor? #
  • Lol I just got carded. #
  • My favorite blog title in my google reader right now: The Enigma Battleship Drinking game-I am so clicking through… #
  • I can’t get a hair appointment at my two fave salons. That’s what I get for waiting until the last minute! #
  • Just finished Stardust, I now feel every ending should be royal coronation. #
  • So, who’s waiting up for Old Navy Weekly? #
  • watching Stardust 🙂 per @doycet #
  • now @youtube says my email address doesn’t match my account? This is so weird #
  • If you guys need me… I’ll be signing up for @vimeo #
  • I was kidding about the ugly thing! I know I am adorable… jokes people 🙂 #
  • Do you think youtube banned me for being too ugly? *sadface* #
  • So, I post a video response to @realjohngreen and his proposal for @temerityjane and youtube BANS me? That just ain’t right. #
  • yes! They twitter! haha now to get @youtube to explain to me why they banned a 30 year old lady’s account with no warning. #
  • I mean… I don’t even know why my account was suspended… so I don’t know what to tell them? SCREW YOU YOUTUBE!! #
  • I can’t even find a place to email youtube! This is so weird! #
  • I dont get this… All I did was talk about my OWN book… this doesn’t make sense… WTF YOUTUBE! #
  • youtube didn’t send me an email or anything… my account is just disabled? I don’t get it? #
  • My youtube account got suspended? It was two vlogs of me and one of halle??? WTF? #
  • RT @nataliewhipple: Gil: Can we go home? Adair: Where’s your sense of adventure? Gil: I left it under my pillow. Let’s go home and get it. #
  • Twitterverse, how do I bribe @nataliewhipple to draw Sketch McGee for me? Help me out here! #
  • If I moved to the country… I would so get a tree full of these…. ♫ #
  • this song makes me want to sway and weaar flowers in my hair… ♫ #
  • I wish I was awesome like @nataliewhipple and could draw my super hero…. #
  • I told you I couldn’t get this song out of my head… ♫ #
  • crap! I have 2666 followers! fiiiix it! #
  • This song… so good. ♫ #
  • I admit it… I love me some Spice girls… and this is definitely my fave! ♫ #
  • What does Jay-Z know about a Hard knock life anyway? ♫ #
  • I’m felling a little ghetto this evening… fair warning 🙂 ♫ #
  • I am so nit writing my book with a male pov though… I suck at being inside a dude’s mind. #
  • I have a lot to learn before I tackle my steampunk ya novel- reading and watching movies- hardly sounds like research! #
  • I think that kid just #moonfruit ed in her diaper… #
  • Okay I better go pick up my mom from the aeropuerto. #
  • The list at MTV: Wild Wild West, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (of course), Watchmen, Stardust (never heard of this one), & Hellboy??? #
  • Maybe I will do a steampunk movie marathon this weekend to get in the mood… #
  • OMG I found the magic 8 ball bot! RT @8ball_: @jamieharrington Hello! I’m your friendly neighborhood 8-ball. #
  • I can see me trying to query a steampunk novel… I might as well just shake up my magic 8-ball-outlook not so good. #
  • haha so now I have this WHOLE list of steampunk ideas floating around in my head… ohnoes. #
  • here’s the little guy that made me fall in love with steampunk @claena @kierstenwhite @carrharr @nataliewhipple #
  • I just got the BEST customer service ever from @bbyflowermound If you need ANYTHING tech related… see this guy! #
  • I’m kind of obsessed with steampunk right now. How could I turn that into a ya novel idea… #
  • RT @MidnightSunCo: Dear Starbucks, whoever decided to put in drive thrus, I could kiss you. With tounge. Thanks! Love, me 🙂 #
  • RT @JaymeStinehart: @jamieharrington I like that Boom Boom Pow, Them chickens jackin’ my style. LoL It’s pandemically catchy. #
  • RT: AsimQureshi Celebrate 10 years of Moonfruit and win a MacBook Pro #moonfruit (I’m such a sucker for this crap!) #
  • Is #squarespace a plate for #moonfruit #
  • Hey Smokers-holding your cig out the car window between puffs isn’t fooling anyone-we can still tell you’re a smoker. #
  • Whoa! did Twitter just increase my API limit? #
  • RT @oregondave: A woman is like a teabag … (finish the analogy)
    <provoked by @jamieharrington> #
  • A woman’s like a teabag, you don’t know how strong she is til you put her in hot water! RT @joenoia sigh… This is dirtier than u think. #
  • I think I would totally sit through a time share presentation if it meant I got a free vacay. #
  • Hey AT&T I won’t be paying 9.99 a month for your audible directions. I have google maps-it’s free. #
  • I get that boom boom pow song stuck in my head way more often than I should admit. #
  • What’s #WNW I feel like I am eavesdropping lol #
  • I learn so much following #editorchat 🙂 #
  • dangit! I can’t find my #hotseminar login lol and I was going to go tonight too… leave it to me 🙂 #
  • Well, how do you know if you’re a #squarespace girl or a #moonfruit girl? I’ll have both please! #
  • oh hey! I totally need to #squarespace today #
  • so, what the hell is #moonfruit and why is it trending number one? #
  • Super cool little coffee shop in Denton… but I kinda miss Starbucks… I am old. #
  • Hey literary agents: Should we be including our twitter addresses in the signature of our queries? #
  • So I want my next car to be a mini cooper… I think I want the pac man one #
  • I knew there was a reason I hadn’t bought an iPod dock yet… #
  • How am I 30 years old with a zit WTF? It could have its own zip code! #
  • Well, it’s almost 3am–that means I should be getting productive soon!! #
  • Whoa… twitter just made some CRAZY changes… #
  • Check out my friend @TemerityJane her man got @therealjohngreen to propose! #
  • I want a play place EXACTLY like this, but with an attached cafe with yummy food and free wifi! #
  • I wish I knew who THE best real estate agent in the Lewisville Flower Mound area with the most competitive rates was… #
  • I love my tweeps! You will all be there for the rejections, too… right? #
  • Is today give noob writers a chance day or something? LOL #
  • holy crap… I just got another full request. #
  • Okay, so when I queried my first book… no one wanted to look at it-I don’t know how to handle this whole everyone wanting to see it thing! #
  • I want a place where I can pay hourly for child care, but sit in an attached cafe with free wifi and work. #
  • Is it wrong that I kind of miss my daughters preschool time? #
  • It’s like sticky weird outside in Dallas right now… not necessarily hot… but gross #
  • I have a lot of stuff up at oww right now and it makes me hella nervous! #
  • Why is it that I am in total writing mode from 2-4am? It makes me worthless during the day! #
  • I have 13,271 updates… I twitter a LOT. #
  • I’m here! What’d I miss? 🙂 #
  • RT @flirtle: i just realized that the letters in the word “lame” can be rearranged to spell “male” …lol. #
  • Twitter made me realize why celebs have publicists-to keep them from sounding like morons. #
  • I wish I could just set my iPhone to always be in landscape mode. #
  • doh!! #
  • The daughte has requested home made play dog today. I shall oblige! #
  • RT @jodimeadows: @gwenhayes That’s it. I like @jamieharrington, @authoressanon, and @kathleencaclver more than you. 😛 ha! I was first! #
  • Okay, why do all these people want to see my partials and fulls… I am getting a little freaked out here… #
  • they have such an attitude. #
  • It’s like cardigans are more pretentious than their turtleneck brethren. Down with the cardigan! #
  • you know what I hate? Cardigans. #
  • If you say to a customer service rep, “It’s okay-I don’t have a job, I have all day to talk to you.” They always freak out. #
  • Gap and Old Navy Customer Service, why do you always give me the runround with mail orders? I spend a small fortune with you guys! #
  • Stuck in my head all weekend: #
  • It’s been stuck in my head all weekend and for those of you that haven’t seen it, the NSFW remix: #
  • Me: I promise we’ll go to the store after I send parts of my book out, ok? Daughter: Mom, everyone already HAS books, they don’t need yours. #
  • Okay, coolest thing I’ve ever seen with spaghetti and hot dog weenies! #
  • Is actively looking for a few more beta readers for my young adult super hero novel. 🙂 (I would love for a teenager to read it!) #
  • I did it! #
  • Quick-someone tell me to just hit the damn send button already! #
  • Me: What do you want to do today? Daughter: IKEA! #
  • I just found a doorbell next to my back door… I’ve lived here four years. #
  • Trying to make a grocery list, but it’s so hot here I don’t want to use the oven this week! #
  • Why people? Why use an auto dm? Everyone HATES them! #
  • Have i mentioned lately that I am madly in love with a random character in my book? #
  • Requesting an invite for Tweetboard Alpha ( by @140ware, for my site: #

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