The ‘Loki’ Season Finale Revealed MCU’s Plans For The Future And I Am Here For It
If you haven’t watched the finale yet…WATCH IT! Then come back here, because we need to talk.

In the previous episode, we saw Sylvie and Loki reveal the location of the “Time Keepers”, through a total Wizard of Oz vibe. But this episode, we finally got to meet the “wizard”.

This quirky character never comes out and says his real name, but all roads have completely led to announcing this as Khan the Conqueror. Which leads to quite the future for the MCU.

Especially since we saw a giant statue of him at the end of the season…aaaaaand no one could remember who Loki was. I mean, he did warn them he would just come back.

And I am INSANELY mad at Sylvie. Loki KISSED HER. He KISSED HER, and she still betrayed him. And unleashed whatever the heck is now going on at the TVA (and I’m assuming the entire world.

Luckily a season two has already been confirmed and I can very impatiently wait for the continuation of Loki. But by revealing Khan and his plans for the universe, the MCU has a LOT of different routes they can now take and new shows/movies are sure to follow! Yay!