Having Issues With The Internet? It’s Not Just You. There’s A Massive Internet Outage.
Oh goodie – just how I wanted my day to go today…
The thing is, my job relies on the internet and I think it’s safe to say, most of our lives do as well.
Unfortunately, you may have noticed all sorts of issues from websites being down to things running extra slow over the past few hours.
And no, it’s not just you – there is a massive internet outage happening.
About an hour ago I received an email from my kids school stating they are having website issues and issues with their systems as part of this outage.
Apparently, the outage is due to problems with some Amazon Web Services cloud servers which are causing slow loading or failures for significant chunks of the internet.
The outage is affecting everything from school systems, to websites to Amazon services such as the Ring app, Amazon Alexa, etc.
As of right now, there is no ETA on when things will be back to normal but Amazon is aware of the situation and is working on it.