Matthew McConaughey Is Considering Running For Governor Of Texas
Kayne West and The Rock aren’t the only celebrities who desire a position in politics.

As it turns out, ‘Magic Mike’ star announced Wednesday on an episode of “The Balanced Voice” podcast that he’s seriously considering running for Governor.

If you haven’t already guessed who this person is yet, actor Matthew McConaughey is considering dabbling in the political field.

After host Rania Mankarious mentioned Mr. McConaughey running for governor in his home state, Matthew replied with, “It’s a true consideration.”

“I’m looking into now again, what is my leadership role?” the 51-year-old Oscar winner said.
Matthew McConaughey

He also stated,
“Because I do think I have some things to teach and share, and what is my role? What’s my category in my next chapter of life that I’m going into?”
Matthew McConaughey

As of recently, Texas political leaders have been making headlines and now, the actor whose political beliefs are very unclear who also has no political experience has left Twitter in an uproar ever since his announcement.
What’s next Texas?