McDonalds Wants Us To Eat Like Olympians?

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I’m watching the super hot snowboarders women’s ski race today when a McDonald’s commercial comes on. They’re an official partner of the Olympic games, and that’s no big surprise because they’ve pretty much been involved with the games as long as I can remember. Then their slogan comes across the screen:

McDonalds. Eat Like An Olympian.

Um, what? Apparently, if I go to McDonald’s get some of their limited edition dipping sauce for my McNuggets, then it’s like I’m training for the Olympic Gold. Okay, I’m a grown woman and I know that is a bunch of bull, but my four year old looked up at me and said, “Mom, you’re wrong about nuggets not being healthy! If those sports people eat them, then they must be good for you!”

Yeah, McDonalds seriously undid all the work I’ve done to try to convince her that we don’t have to have every Happy Meal toy ever made.

What’s a mom supposed to do with these commercials, and why the hell is McDonalds getting away with this? I’m glad they’re sponsoring the olympics or whatever, but I could do without them trying to convince my child that if she eats a McRib, then she’s Kerri freakin’ Strug.

Screw you Ronald.

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  1. Okay. I just found your blog (clicked on your link from KT Lit.I like to find other writers). This is awesome. You gained a new reader. I had to call my whole family in to hear your blog. Hilarious. Thanks for the laugh!! 🙂

    Now I’m off to drive to McDonalds. I figure if I start guzzling that dipping sauce now I can qualify for the next Olympics with no problem. Screw writing, this is a much easier goal!

    1. @Callie Forester, haha the best part is, after I wrote it I TOTALLY wanted to try some of that dang chili sauce. Thanks for the awesome compliments 🙂

  2. Um, so you mean that the gooey stuff clogging my arteries isn’t olympic gold? Crap! I thought I was on the right track…now I’ll have to start all over again.

    Damn you, Ronald. And your little fry-kid, too!

    Anyone for some wholesome fried chicken? I mean, grilled, right…

  3. There is definitely a disconnect there. But I guess they can say what they want since they pony up the big bucks.

    And my kids get a Happy Meal about once a year. We are friends with the dollar menu, when we go to those places.

    1. @nicole, I’ve gotten to where we just go in, get apple slices and play on the playground. Take THAT mcdonalds!

  4. Wow. Haven’t seen this one. I try to avoid commercials at all cost. Pretty disgusting though.

  5. *snort!*

    My husband ski raced in college and has been coaching high school racing for eons, so I’ve been around alpine racing for longer than I’d like to admit. One thing you’ll notice is that all alpine ski racers, male or female, have ginormous butts. No joke. It’s a source of great pride, since the “ski racer butt” is generally a mass of hard-earned muscle. However, now that you’ve pointed out the McDonalds thing, I’m going to be looking at those ski racer butts in a new light. Are they the result of a solid weightlifting routine, or a whole lotta Big Macs? I think there’s potential for a whole new ad campaign here!

    Love the blog!
    .-= Tawna Fenske´s last blog ..Being funny without trying =-.

  6. I’m with you! And I don’t even have kids. But this is ridiculous. Very Mad Men of them.

  7. Seriously, the marketing people behind McD’s are genius’ however, they are also the devil.

    Fight the fine fight!
    .-= Jeannie´s last blog ..Poem: Winter =-.

  8. You know, I had the same exact response when I saw this commercial a few days ago. Seriously, McDonald’s WTF? They really think that we’re all going to rush to McDonald’s because we actually believe Olympic level athletes are all hanging around scarfing down on McDonald’s food? Right. Uh-huh. One does not get to become an Olympic level competitor by snarfing McNuggets no matter how special the dipping sauce is. I know. I’ve eaten my fair share of nuggety type goodness from the golden arches and all it’s ever gotten me is a wider backside and an extreme proficiency at couch sitting…which, last time I checked, was NOT an Olympic event.

    This might be the time for the ‘truth in advertising’ talk w/ the little one. 🙂
    .-= Rhonda´s last blog ..Happy Single Persons Appreciation Day! =-.

    1. @Rhonda, haha we have this talk ALL the time. I hate how much commercials cater to them!