National Grammar Day!

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I dunno, I mean–grammar’s cool and all, but what’s really the point, ya know? Is it, like, really, seriously an important thing that we know the rulez or whatevs?

Yes, why yes it is.

So, here’s the thing. I spend a lot of time gaming, and I think my punctuation, grammar, writing style is definitely hurt a little by that… but I also think it helps.

I think it’s one of those cases knowing the rules well enough to break them.

So, in honor of national grammar day… what grammar rule do you love to break?

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  1. I start sentences with “And” and “But” all the time. I too have a love-love-hate relationship with commas.
    .-= Carin´s last blog ..Forgotten Thought =-.

  2. I don’t know what my fave rule to break is. Perhaps ending sentabces with prepasitions? Also my spelling could be better. Sometimes I slip into WoW speak and I want to lol and 🙂
    My grammar pet peeve is ending every sentance with …
    Did I leave you hanging? Yeah this crazy chick at work ends every sentance with an excess of periods. It drives me CRAZY!!

    1. @Sally H, I am the freakin queen of the ellipse. It’s so bad… I have to go back and check my blog posts to make sure I didn’t do it too many times!

    1. @@jmartinlibrary, and now I have this awesome image of you scampering off 🙂

  3. What if you don’t know most of the rules to know if you’re even breaking them? 😉 I kid, I kid. (or do I?) Mine would also probably be incomplete sentences. Or starting with “And” or “But”.

    I’m surprised you didn’t end your blog with “Collaborate and listen…” And now the song is in my head for the night. Thaaaanks.
    .-= ChristaCarol´s last blog ..Good News Thursday =-.

  4. I have a comma problem. I use them too often but not well. I also use incomplete sentences and occasionally begin sentences with conjunctions. *hanging head in shame*
    .-= Rhonda Cowsert´s last blog ..Merrie Monday! =-.

    1. @Rhonda Cowsert, haha my thing is like I just sometimes am totally in love with commas and then others it’s like I don’t even know where the key is my computer… so I will have nineteen commaless pages… that makes for super fun editing!
      .-= Jamie´s last blog ..National Grammar Day! =-.

    1. @Lisa, my husband just said to me, I swear if you break out in that hammer dance one more time and yell “Stop! Grammar Time.” I’m leaving ’til Tuesday…
      .-= Jamie´s last blog ..National Grammar Day! =-.

  5. I think most grammer rules are pointless and are only made up to keep English teachers employeed. In fact, I’m sure in that last sentance I probably broke at least four rules.

    1. @Nik, yeah I had a way longer post planned, but then freaked out didn’t type it because I was scared I didn’t have good enough grammar to celebrate national grammar day.
      .-= Jamie´s last blog ..National Grammar Day! =-.