Oreo Is Releasing Oreo Bark For The Holidays In Two New Festive Flavors
Christmas bark is a huge staple when it comes to baking Christmas cookies. My family personally does not make the bark but every year when cookies are exchanged, you can bet I get at least a dozen of them from other families.

Considering the popularity of the Christmas cookie, Oreo and Frankford Candy has teamed up and is introducing their own line of their interpretation of Christmas Bark and frankly, it looks immaculate.

What is also known as “Oreo Bark”, Oreo and Frankford Candy have created two new flavors and one of them is certainly holiday appropriate.
First, the Cookies n’ Cream crunch bar is layered with first dark chocolate and then with white chocolate. For the finishing touches, it’s then topped with real Oreo pieces!
Now let’s tackle the more festive sweet treat. Starting with the flavor peppermint, this Oreo bark is similar to the Cookies n’ Cream including dark chocolate, white chocolate, and Oreo pieces; however, there’s a bonus of candy cane-like peppermint pieces included in this holiday cookie as well.
The two new flavors will be stocked on shelves come November, so you can crunch your way through Thanksgiving and into Christmas!

The 2.5 ounce bars might even just save you precious time from not having to bake your own Christmas Bark this year, because who says you can’t throw a bow on top to include these in your Christmas cookie exchanges.