Pedro Pascal’s Starbucks Order Was Just Revealed and the Internet Is in a Frenzy
When it comes to Starbucks, considering there are so many flavors and combinations you can mix, your go-to drink is mostly likely different from the person in line behind you and the next person after that.

Think about it. Have you ever met someone else that has the same caffeinated beverage as you at Starbucks? Maybe you have or maybe you haven’t.

Pedro Pascal, the actor currently known for his outstanding role in The Last of Us, (which I highly recommend watching!) the popular actor has a go-to order that has the internet flabergasted.

Thanks to TikTok user @alexafromspace who caught the order after he stopped to give an autograph while holding his cup of coffee, Pedro clearly prefers his caffeine fix to get through the day, and a lot of it!

His order?
An ice quad espresso extra ice, with 6 shots all combined in a venti cup.
As you can imagine, it has caused social media to have mixed feelings between wanting to try to the order while others are more concerned about how much caffeine is included.

“IS HE OK,” wrote one social media user and another who commented, “I’ll be ordering the Pedro Pascal tomorrow.”

And while six shots does sound like a lot of caffeine, here’s what a dietitian has to say about it.

Coffee is well-known for its health benefits, such as reducing your risk of chronic conditions like type 2 diabetes, supporting your heart health and boosting your mood,” tells Maria Laura Haddad-Garcia, senior nutrition & news editor to EatingWell. “And black coffee, like Pascal’s order, is as good as it gets. Pascal’s order appears to be free of added sugars, especially coming from flavored syrups and toppings. However, moderation is key in health, especially when it comes to a natural stimulant like caffeine. And if you are a coffee lover, it’s easy to overdo it.”
Maria Laura Haddad-Garcia

She also notes how many milligrams of caffeine the Dietary Guidlines for Americans recommends in a day and a few symptoms that may suggest you’re sipping on too much.

“The 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends limiting your caffeine intake to 400 milligrams per day. As a reference, a 1-ounce espresso has around 63 milligrams of caffeine, per the USDA. So, if we do the math, Pascal’s order might contain around 380 milligrams of caffeine. “If that’s all the caffeine you have in a day, then you’re within a healthy range,” explains Haddad-Garcia. “Yet, remember that other drinks and foods beyond coffee contain caffeine, including a variety of teas, energy drinks and chocolate. Plus, some people could be more sensitive to caffeine than others.”
Maria Laura Haddad-Garcia

“If you experience symptoms such as jitters, headache, nervousness, nausea and heart racing, then you’re probably having too much caffeine.”
Maria Laura Haddad-Garcia

Personally, this much caffeine is too much for me!