SAT’s And ACT’s Don’t Matter for This Year’s Seniors. Here’s Why.
If you have a senior in high school you may have noticed, this year is quite different than all the others.

Aside from it being a time when your kids are seen as becoming adults, it’s a time where kids are trying to decide which colleges to apply to and of course, worrying about SAT’s And ACT’s.

Well, turns out, SAT’s And ACT’s don’t matter for this year’s seniors. Here’s why.

Why don’t SAT’s And ACT’s matter for seniors?
During 2020, tests were canceled due to everything happening that year and that ended up being the beginning of schools not taking weight to SAT and ACT test scores. Those test scores have slowly been phased out as part of the admission process.

According to
72% of colleges and universities, even historically selective ones, adjusted their evaluation of applicants and suspended SAT or ACT requirements, opting for a test-optional or test-flexible process. This just means that you are no longer required to submit an SAT or ACT score for admission, but you can choose to submit it with your application if you want it considered in your evaluation

And now, according to the National Center for Fair and Open Testing (a nonprofit advocacy group commonly known as FairTest) around 1,800 four-year colleges have announced plans to go test-optional or test-blind for fall 2023.

To put it into simpler terms – the test scores don’t necessarily give you a better edge on admission acceptance to where you apply to go to college.

But of course, school counselors are still trying to persuade kids to take the tests any way.
Reason being, the scores could be used if schools start to mandate them again and they may also be required for scholarships, transfers and even special programs.

Should your child take the ACT’s and SAT’s?
That answer truly depends on you and your child’s situation. The best thing to do is, to speak with school counselors or any college admission counselor to ensure your child is on track and doing what they need to do in order to get into the school they want.

Then base your decision on whether to take the tests or not, on that.