Scholastic Is Offering Free Online Classes For Your Kids While Schools Are Closed
I LOVE Scholastic! Was there anything more exciting than waiting for the Scholastic book fair at school every year? Gah! So fun!

Well, now, the same Scholastic company that brings us the school book fairs, is bringing us FREE online classes for kids during this time when school are out!
They offer classes for PreK and Kindergarten, Grades 1 and 2, Grades 3 through 5, and Grades 6+.

They are totally classes that I will want to “attend” with my kids! They sound super fun!

Some of the themes are “Why Do Zebras Have Stripes,” “Take a Virtual Field Trip To the American Revolution,” and “Extreme Candy.”

The kids are sure to stay interested and have FUN!

All you have to do is, log on to the Scholastic Remote Learning website, and click on your class grade.

They even have the classes broken down into days! It’s totally amazing.

My kids will be doing it for sure!

Make sure you go check it out.