You Can Get Starburst Swirlers Chewy Sticks And My Tastebuds Are So Happy
Starburst understands the way to my heart, and they have really upped their candy game!

I love to unwrap two flavors of Starburst candy, and shove them in my mouth at once.
The combined flavors make a crazy-good mashup that send my tastebuds straight to heaven.
These are a rope-esque version of the chewy candies, that combine two of the super-yummy Starburst flavors in one tasty rope, and they are available in stores NOW!!
Starburst has brought us a Cherry-Lemon flavor, a Strawberry-Orange flavor, and — MY absolute favorite — a Cherry-Strawberry flavor!

That Cherry-Lemon flavor though, friends. It tastes like a Cherry Lemonade — like summer — and I think I’m in love.

These Starburst Swirlers are the PERFECT snack to eat while You’re watching your favorite shows on Netflix! If you haven’t binge watched Tiger King yet, GET ON IT!
Y’all — we have waited SO long for these to come out, and they are finally here!! My whole day has been made.
I can’t wait to hear which flavor is your favorite! You can find these WHEREVER you usually get your starburst candies, and you should totally get all three flavors!
While you are at the store, you should TOTALLY check out these Trolls World Tour Oreos. They are as colorful as they are tasty!