Study Says Babies Born To Mothers Who Use WIC Are Less Likely To Die
Good news for mommies taking advantage of WIC benefits! A new study of 11 million low-income families shows that mothers who take advantage of the WIC program are more likely to carry their baby to term, and their little one is more likely to survive the first precious year of their life.

Like, I’m talking 33% more likely to survive. THAT IS HUGE!

Are you one of the MILLIONS of mothers who need the WIC assistance program to help care for yourself and your baby?

I know I used WIC with my first baby. It was a godsend at the time!

WIC is a special supplemental nutrition program for Women, Infants, and Children. It is CRUCIAL for so many families with little ones!

It helps moms by giving food vouchers to supplement nutrition, and it provides health care referrals for low-income pregnant, breastfeeding, and non-breastfeeding mommies.

WIC also helps infants and children, up to age five, who are found to be at nutritional risk.

Like I said, it is a godsend for so many people who can’t afford the basic necessities of nutrition for their babies’ health.

Having this extra bit of help is only a good thing when it comes to preparing and caring for your baby. Now there is PROOF to back up this claim.

The bad news: We have an administration who just cut funding to the SNAP program (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program). Does this mean WIC is next?

Only time will tell, but I certainly hope we will keep this desperately needed program.

Are you a brand new mommy? Check out this article on HOW TO SURVIVE THE FIRST WEEKS AT HOME WITH BABY.