Dear Parents, Please Take Social Distancing Seriously This Holiday Season
As I sit here browsing Facebook I can’t help but notice the amount of comments from parents asking for ideas of what to do with their kids during this “holiday break from school”.

The answer is so simple: STAY HOME.
Look, I know the holiday season is one meant to be spent with family, shopping and enjoying festive activities (I would love that more than anything) but this year, is going to be different.
This holiday break our kids will be home and if we do it right this year, we may just be able to help slow the further spread of this virus.

It’s not a time to try to plan fun things and have Christmas parties, take them to hang out with friends or to ensure they have a memorable experience.
It is to keep our kids and everyone around us, safe and hopefully virus free.
Can you imagine being the reason that it’s someone’s last Christmas?

Yes, I know having kids stuck inside all day is TOUGH. Not just on the kids, but on us as parents. Then throw in the longer days, darker nights and freezing cold weather, it’s a lot. I get it.

An entire family crammed into one space, is bound to make us all a bit crazy but here’s the thing – it’s also going to be okay.
Think about this – even IF your kids are healthy and even IF they never contract the virus, are you willing to take a risk of them spreading the virus to someone else? Especially during the holidays?

I’m not.
You see, we have people in our family, even friends that are immunocompromised and for that reason, no amount of drinking eggnog or sitting around an open fire with family is worth risking someone’s life over.
Again, trust me when I say, I am sick of this virus too. I miss my family. I miss my friends and I want it to be over. BUT it’s going to take us all working towards that goal to make it happen.

So, parents, I BEG you… Keep your kids home this holiday season!
Use this time with your kids to make new holiday traditions AT HOME.

And hopefully, next year, we can all go back to some sort of normal and celebrate the holidays with others then.

Keep your bored kids home.

Avoid public gatherings. Avoid the McDonald’s Play Place. Avoid leaving the house at all costs.
Trust me, it’ll be okay. We will all get through this but it starts with us, the parents keeping our kids home. We have the ultimate responsibility right now and that is to take social distancing seriously.