The Adventure Project with Tammy Kling

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adventuregirlWhile I was on vacay (I like to say vacay-it makes me feel like I’m Fergie from the Black Eyed Peas) in Miami, I read a blog post on one of my favorite blogs. It was a post from a woman I’d never heard of before, Tammy Kling. The timing of it really made me think. We hadn’t taken Hal on a vacation ever, and I was crazy surprised at just how easy it was. In fact, since we had a kid, our going all the time lifestyle was pretty sedentary.

I wanted to know more about this crazy lady that took her children to the rain forest. I started reading more about Tammy and discovered her blog. She totally intrigued me, and her adventure project really intrigued me. So, I emailed Tammy- and told her I was struggling with weight loss and would love to have help from her.

I laughed it off, no way did this crazy successful woman want to help a silly housewife, right?


She emailed me back super fast and told me she was having a book signing that evening and I should come out to meet her.

A Book signing? This lady’s an author? How did I miss that?

So, I did more research, and discovered that she just wrote The Compass as well as several other books. Something every aspiring author should do is go to a book signing- so I figured what the heck- I will go meet this lady, and buy a signed copy of her book. I talked to her for just a few brief minutes, and we made plans to talk again.

In the meantime, she got in contact with her adventure project partner Kelli Calabrese. They decided to take me under their wing and personally coach me through everything until the end of the summer!

Um, what? You two uber successful women want to take me under your wing and help me reach all my life goals?

Yeah, okay.

So, I met with Tammy earlier today, and everything has officialyl begun. Here’s what I know so far:

There are rules. I have to follow the rules. It’s my commitment to them, and to myself. What are the rules you ask? Well, let me just tell you.

  • I have to do everything they ask for the next six weeks.
  • Everything I tell her is confidential.
  • I have to keep an open mind.
  • There’s no fear allowed. (I have already broken this rule, dammit.)
  • Tammy doesn’t tell me what the adventure of the week is. She just tells me HOW to dress, and when to be ready.

Am I excited? Yes. Am I freaked out? A little. Do I think this could be just the thing I need to get back down to the size I want to be? You betcha.

I meet with Tammy and Kelli next week. I’ll let you know a little more then- but for now- just call me adventure girl.

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  1. Sounds FUN!!!! Good luck and I can't wait to hear more!!!

  2. OMG Jamie
    Suck up that fear and do it!
    How awesome!
    .-= Barbra´s last blog ..MJ Memorial – My Follow Up =-.

  3. You should be afraid…very afraid. I know those girls – hahaha. Really, you are in great hands. I told Tammy yesterday that she should turn over her twitter acct. to you for awhile since she isn’t doing it justice…that could be one of the adventures. I can’t wait to hear what they have cooked up for ya.
    .-= texasholly @ june cleaver nirvana´s last blog ..The bipolar cat with two names =-.

  4. Sounds FUN!!!! Good luck and I can’t wait to hear more!!!

  5. OMG!!! How freakin insanely awesome! What are the chances and you got to meet her! Very, very uber cool!

    Take photos! Good luck and I hope it’s everything and more! =D
    .-= Sara Tribble´s last blog ..Partial Updates/Blogs Help! =-.