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Organize Your Home with Shelving Units

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So you know that thought experiment/icebreaker question about what three things you’d save if your house was on fire, assuming your family and pets were already safe? You’ve probably thought about the answer to that question before, but answer me this, dear reader: Do you even know where those three things are in your house right now? Is your family photo album stacked carefully on a shelf in the living room, or is it buried under a stack of books and papers in your office? How about your college diploma? Your Funko Pop collection, your grandma’s recipe book, that sash you got when you won Miss Soft Shell Crab 1984? Is your home to a point where you just can’t keep it organized anymore? It might be time for you to get on top of things, and there’s a simple way to do it: Shelving Units.

How To Organize Your Home With Shelving Units

Organize Your Home with Shelving Units

Square shelving units with cloth bins are the most popular style right now, and they can make a huge difference for homes with children. Toys can be thrown into the bins and from the outside, you won’t know the difference. The kids will take it all out again in a few hours, but hey, a few hours is better than nothing, right?

organizing your home

Does your bathroom counter look like the dressing room of a Broadway show right before curtains are set to go up? There are quite a few shelving options available, but the most convenient for many families is a shelving unit that goes over the toilet. It takes up little space, but utilizes the height of the room for your storage advantage.

Book shelves seem like an obvious choice, but many people fail to realize when they really need one. Tables and end tables work for a short while, but as your collection grows and overflows onto the floor, bookshelves will come in handy. They come in many shapes and sizes, and can also be made out of a variety of materials to fit your homes style and design to hold books, magazines, and knick knacks.

Wooden crates can be used as is, or painted, rearranged in any pattern and easily added to, creating a new and unique book shelf or shelving unit for other items. Plus, they make for great DIY projects for your most common living spaces, adding depth and interest to the room while providing the storage that you need.

Whatever your storage issue, installing a few shelving units can transform your home from a disorganized disaster to an Ikea ad waiting to happen – at least for a little while.

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One Comment

  1. My living room has been messy with toys for a while now. The only issue is that we’re out of storage space to put it! I think that a shelving unit would do the job perfectly, though. Not only will it provide storage space, but it will help us keep the toys organized! Thanks for the help!