This Zoo Will Name A Cockroach After Your Ex, And Give You A Certificate to Prove It
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This Zoo Will Name A Cockroach After Your Ex, And Give You A Certificate to Prove It!

Last year the El Paso Zoo did this very thing only they fed the cockroaches to Meerkat’s on live video.
It was amazing.

But this year is a little different…
The San Antonio Zoo will allow you to name a cockroach, rodent, or veggie after your not-so-special someone!

The GLOBAL phenomenon is BACK! San Antonio Zoo’s Cry Me a Cockroach Fundraiser, where funds raised support the zoo’s vision of securing a future for wildlife in Texas and around the world! This Valentine’s, join in the fun by donating to symbolically name a cockroach, rodent, or veggie after you’re not-so-special someone!
You’ll even get a digital certificate showing the cockroaches name (sort of like a birth certificate) to prove it.

You can even send a digital downloadable Valentine’s Day Card informing your not-so-special someone they were named after a cockroach, rodent, or veggie and fed to an animal at San Antonio Zoo! LOL!

Aside from being completely awesome and hilarious, the money does go to supporting the Zoo and the animals so it’s for a great cause.

Oh and if you’d rather not name one after your ex, you can name one for the one you love because according to the Zoo’s description, the idea is because “love is eternal” much like a cockroach.
Get it? Because they never die?

All I am going to say is, I wouldn’t actually get this as a gift for your spouse or current Valentine, it might make for a terrible breakup and awkward moment on Valentine’s Day. Ha.

You can name your own cockroach here.