Tornado Warnings, Hail, and Cracked Windshields. Oh My!
Last night the sirens blared. My husband and daughter were driving home from the store. Cell phones stopped working, and I couldn’t get ahold of them. I was scared. The winds raged and my power went out. This is a video taken about three houses down from my house (at the same time my husband was driving):
They were driving home then. My husband said he he had to make a quick decision when they were about a 1/4 mile from home. Should he pull into the gas station or just get home. He made the decision to get home, he said he wasn’t sure how we would do it if he had it to do again, but he knew right then that was the decision he had to make. I trust his judgment, so I am sure he did the right thing.
When he banged on the back door I scooped up Halle faster than I ever have in my life. I am still shaking a little just thinking about everything that was going on. I don’t get rattled easily, but I am a HUGE storm wimp and this could have turned into my worst nightmare. Fortunately the only damage was a cracked windshield on my husband’s truck. I couldn’t get the internet to work on my phone and I couldn’t call anyone.
After we spent a little while huddled in the bathroom, we came out to no power. I went upstairs to the only plug in phone in the house and started calling the family. They were mostly without power, too. We settled in for the rest of the evening with a radio and some tunes. The daughter had a blast dancing and making giant shadows on the wall.
This morning, I went out and took some pictures of our street. Wow! A lot of trees are down in my neighborhood.
You had it worse than us! I’m so glad everyone was ok. I would’ve freaked out if my husband and son were out in that storm.
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That sound with those sights just make my skin crawl. OMG>
[rq=9749,0,blog][/rq]Overnight transformation
I’ve been through three tornadoes, so I know how scary this is. Glad you’re all okay!
[rq=5514,0,blog][/rq]Preliminary Merpire: Wannabe
Yikes!! The thought of your family out in the storm must have been so stressful!! I’m glad you’re all ok….those poor trees!
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