You Can Now Get A $6 Travis Scott Meal At McDonald’s And It Sounds Delicious
It doesn’t get any bigger than Travis Scott right now!

The singer/songwriter/rapper seems to be larger than life at the moment. You only need look as far as Fortnite (yes, the game) to see how GIANT Travis Scott is. Did you see his LIVE collab with the über popular game a few months ago? It was HUGE.

NOW, Travis Scott becomes the first person since Michael Jordan to have a meal named after him at McDonald’s, and I totally want to go get one for supper tonight!

This meal is supposedly the rapper’s favorite McDonald’s meal and it consists of: A Quarter Pounder With Lettuce, Cheese, and Bacon, a Medium French Fry on the side with Barbecue Sauce for dipping, and a Medium Sprite.
You can actually go into McDonald’s and ask for a Travis Scott meal, and they will know exactly what you are talking about.

Now, this is a limited time deal. You can pick it up now through October 4th, and it will cost you $6.

SURE, you can go anytime you want, and order the same thing via the regular menu, but it will cost you upwards of $7-8.
BUT, it’s somehow not the same exciting thing as going in to order the Travis Scott meal.

You can actually go onto the McDonald’s mobile app, and order the Travis Scott meal. That is how I order everything now, and it’s super easy. I totally recommend it.

Get yourself to McDonald’s before October 4th, and order a Travis Scott meal. It sounds so good, doesn’t it?!?

While you are at McDonald’s getting your Travis Scott meal, you might also want to check out their Spicy McNuggets, because why WOULDN’T you?!?