You Can Get Turkey And Stuffing Potato Chips That Is Basically Thanksgiving In A Bag
Is anyone else ready for Thanksgiving? I already bought my stretchy pants. I an READY!

When I first saw this product below, I actually laughed a little. But then I got excited and intrigued. I’ve seen many flavors thrown together on a chip, but this one may have me curious the most!
You can get Turkey And Stuffing Potato Chips. WHAT?!? I mean, why not? This should hold us over until the big day!
Leave it to Aldi’s to come up with this concoction! They are planning to release this flavor on November 4th!
Now, this isn’t the first time a Turkey and Stuffing chip has been created. Trader Joe’s also has Turkey and Stuffing Kettle Chips. But of course, you must buy both to compare and contrast!
I know I will definitely be giving this a try! What about you? Comment below and let us know!