Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-05-10
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- Hakuna Matata! ♫ #
- I have been singing this song all day… ♫ #
- did I miss the party? lol #sigjeans #
- RT @ResourcefulMom Only 2 hours left to tweet #SigJeans hashtag to enter to win Twitter By the Sea cruises! #
- Why does my husband think that if he calls tomorrow the florist will deliver flowers to his mom? Call now! #
- Hmmm I just got a ton of replies that I should have gotten yesterday! So sorry if I didn’t reply back in a timely fashion 🙁 #
- The daughter is crying she wants to come home. Weird. #
- Whoa I got a #followfriday from Jesus! RT: @jesus_says: Happy #FollowFriday @seanbohan @FrugalDad @chrispirillo @jamieharrington #
- My parents took the kid. Should I write or play Warcraft? #
- IKEA… oh how I love thee. #
- Oh I have to potty think I can leave my car idling at the airport? LOL #
- HAHAHA my daughter has on headphones with her tag reader, and she doesn’t know I can hear her… she’s just talking away! #
- I wish I was organized enough in life to not have to do a run around crazy clean for unexpected guests. #
- I’m feeling green for my toenails this week… who’s with me? #
- Support Joss: Save Dollhouse. Fans get their voices heard @BuddyTV Please ReTweet and join the cause. #
- So it’s taken me like 6 months, but I can steam milk. 🙂 #
- I think there’s such a thing as too much green tea. I feel kinda weird… #
- awwww noooooooooo #idol #
- okay… so Why is paula lipsyncing up on the idol stage? #
- we did a room temp one lol #
- Hey husband… if you are going to take the daughter outside… think you might want to notice when the bugs are eating her alive? ARGH #
- Well Well Well… #
- Here’s the pic of the awesomeness that is my starbucks cup! #
- Starbucks has real cups that look like plastic starbucks cups. I bought two. 🙂 #
- Read some sophie kinsella to get my head in the first person present mood. She’s good at that. #
- are you allowed to have pink hair when you’re 30? what’s the rule on that? #
- I wonder if I can get halle to sit through me getting pink streaks and highlights… #
- I think I need a pink streak in my hair… it’s been a couple of years since I had any pink in the hair… #
- 30k! 30K! My book OFFICIALLY just hit the 30K mark! ZOMG! #
- yah I’m officially rambling-what? You got a problem with that? Take it up with the juicy peach @kencasey sent me #
- In a world where witchcraft and wizardry reigned supreme, Kori’s lack of power made her more than just an outcast. It made her worthless. #
- you know what two words I like to say together? Witchcraft and wizardry…. #
- I am sad that my hunter is now rybbon and not cheeTARA! #
- Okay… so I didn’t write last night… but tonight…. I write… and it’s gonna be juicy #
- Think I can put tile in my upstairs bathroom and closet? I have carpet currently. #
- Ten Excellent Reasons I shouldn’t play World of Warcaft #
- I mean adam and allison… I didn’t get their duet!!! #
- NO! I didn’t get the dani and allison duet on my tivo are you kidding me?!?!?!? #
- I can’t wait to see this Adam Allison duet… I have kind of been waiting on them to sing together all season. #
- Srew you iPhone- If I’d wanted to type duck, then that’s what I would have typed. #
- Swine flu makes my day kind of boring. #
- I HAVE to own this space invader soap…. I don’t even know what to do with decorative soap but still! #
- Dammit Warcraft us not my friend. Need to rethink some stuff. #
- Sigh… I wish I drew well enough to draw my main character super villain. Anyone out there talented and bored wanna give it a whirl? #
- Dos after 3.1 us frustrating me. Maybe I’ll just rerull heals. #
- They’re saying now that these school closings could last as long as two weeks? Why don’t they just call it a draw and start summer? #
- If you need me, I’ll be writing #3kadayinMay #
- hey writers, wanna win stuff? Show us your best cliffhanger! #
- #kelloggs #
- 30 fields on their own and 55 with partners! #kelloggs #
- This is my favorite part… because the flamingos sing! ♫ #
- I think Mulan really didn’t get it’s time to shine like some of the other movies did. Maybe because she isn’t a… ♫ #
- Okay I’m here! #kelloggs #
- Hey, Mom I got my own cereal. Nevermind the factI spilled it ALL over the kicthen 🙂 #
- Make Waaaaay! For Prince Ali! ♫ #
- Oh Man, It’s a Disney Night for me. Can you feel the Love? ♫ #
- For some reason I totally have the Disney Sing Along Songs Intro Stuck in my head. #
- If you guys need me… I’ll be writing. k? #
- Haven’t posted my favorite rocketboom video in a while… #
- I one the watermelon… #
- I’ve watched my fair share of this new Wubsy movie this weekend… okay? #
- I can’t believe I actually posted this, but here’s my Saved By the Bell Moment: #
- It’s a dark and dreary morning… #
- It’s 4 am. I am going to bed, but I did get 2.5 k words tonight. LOL I’ll take it! #
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