The White House Considers Extending The Pause On Student Loan Payments
The White House is considering extending the moratorium on student loans, and I’m crossing my fingers and toes that it goes through.

So many of us were waiting with bated breath for any news of student loans during the State of the Union speech that the president gave last week.
But, nope. Nothing was mentioned about what is going to happen with student loans — even though the pause is set to expire at the beginning of May.
The moratorium was first set in motion under President Trump when all this quarantine drama started. That was WAY back in March of 2020, and it has been extended five times since.

Thank goodness! My husband lost his job when all this started, and has just now been able to find anything. There is NO WAY we could have successfully kept up with our student loan payments.
The president is going to look at what we should do on student debt before the pause expires, or he’ll extend the pause.
Ron Klain, Whitehouse Chief of Staff via Crooked Media

Biden Was Trying To Determine If He Was Allowed To Cancel Student Debt
Now, back in April, Biden requested a memo from the Department of Education. This memo was to determine if he had the authority to CANCEL student debt through executive action.
That would totally suck for the banks that extended the student loans, but it would be a miracle for so many people.

The Biden administration has not publicly announced the status of this memo. This would be something I would be very interested in hearing a discussion about.
Even though he campaigned on forgiving at least $10,000 in federal student loans per person, Biden didn’t discuss Student Loan Forgiveness during his FIRST State of the Union address either.
It’s time he said something, right?
Progressives have called on him to step that number up to $50,000 per borrower.
Yahoo News

I just don’t want to be stuck in this limbo. I know I need to make a plan to just start paying on my student loans in May, but it would be hella nice to have some kind of extension or forgiveness.
What do you think? Let us know in the comments.